Monday, February 28, 2011

Over the weekend

Well...Farmer boy and I did chores around the Farm. He is finishing up the many fences he working on. I went to a Silpada party at holly's. That was fun, I found a beautiful pendant with three interchangeable tiles that go inside a sterling silver floral design. I like it, I bought it.
Jenni and I drove Ricky and Nelson...yes that's right...Ricky and Nelson. Nelson is only just 4 and a very good horse. It was fun, her helper Rick ( Brother -in-law) was fun and helpful.How many Ricks can we get in one place?

Sun is shining...going to go home and walk my doggie.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

February 23,2011

Well, down on the farm , Farmer Boy has been fixing fence and building corners for the fence with pipe.Minnie was limping but , luckily she seems to be doing just fine.
I joined a gym and have been working out on the elpitical machine...what can I say...I LOVE IT!!!!
I feel so much better with exercise!

Zenyatta (down on someone elses's farm) was bred this morning to Bernardini...I hope all goes momma and baby...11 months to go to see the baby...oooh my I can hardly wait.

The Oscars are this weekend. Sunday night dinner, bitter greens salad, w/ blue cheese dressing, beef burritos and chocolate gelato, that should suit our Oscar party for two just fine.
So far I have seen:
Black Swan
The Kings Speech
The Fighter
The Social Network

and Thursday we will watch :Winter Bone

Does having seen "No Strings Attached " with Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher count or take away from my credits? critique of that movie...better than I thought it was going to be. Kevin Klein is pretty darn funny as Ashton Kutcher's dad.. ...and... the romantic coupling of Natalie and Ashton works.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

OK I know it's not....

Minnesota cold, but it is cold and windy enough for me! Winter has come back roaring it's  cold, damp attitude like a bad scene from an old black and white movie.Oh and just when I say that, the sun comes out...oh and now goes away. Yeah I guess it's that kind of day... lol. I am grateful for my heart that beats without me telling it to, my cells for replenishing themselves. My abilty to walk, talk, run and sing. I am grateful for the animals and humans that have encouraged my growth .

And that is what is happening ....Down on the Farm.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Ooooh my how the weather has changed!

Yesterday I was riding in short sleeves and an open long sleeves, vest and rain coat ...and boohooo no riding. The rain came in early this morning. So far today it has been windy, cloudy and cold.

Saturday, Farmer Boy and I went to Chipotle for an early dinner/late lunch...good, tasy, healthy food.I had the Fajita bowl with barbacoa 3 salsas and guacamole. Then we went to see "The Kings Speech"...what a good story. It was so well done, it makes you think about all the people who you think you know their story because they are in the public eye...but you never really know them...I guess it is important to remember we are all humans on this journey together...trying to make it through our day...we never truly know what our fellow passengers journey is ...

Well...let me tell you about what a great ride we had this weekend. Cheyenne and I rode by our selves on Saturday...he gave me the nicest, sweetest western jog ever. Sunday Jenni and Maple came over...walk, trot and canter through the woods.When I asked for the canter...all I did really was think about cantering and release my reins a bit and push a little with my hips. What an awesome boy he is...thank you Cheyenne.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Here's what's going on ....

Down on the Farm:

Farmer Boy is building corners and gates for the fences. We are going to see "The Kings Speech" tomorrow...first matinee..$5.50 wohoo.

Sunday afternoon Jenni and Maple will come over and with Cheyenne away we will ride. Yahoo.
Chores will be done...or started anyway...the dog will be scratched, hugged and walked...kitties will be hugged and petted...oh you get the idea...I am a big ol' bowl of mush when It comes to my animals :)

I will enjoy the weather...rain is due to come in Tuesday.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Breathe...sing from your soul...walk with your dog....hold your cat....ride your at your human ....

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I found this the other day while walking with Frisco...

It made me feel so sad for the child who released it...but glad that they had a way of letting go of the pain in their life. On this piece of paper tied to a bright orange balloon were words of pain, anger and sadness. All written by  a childs hand. I had mixed emotions when I saw the words had washed away from the dampness after I had put it in my pocket for safe keeping. I guess it is good that the words and the pain they represented were able to wash away. I hope this childs journey takes them on safe passage. I wish that for us all. Amen.

Can Spring be Very Far Away?

Grateful Heart? Yes Indeed.

FOLKUKE/ In Case We Die

Yes..I am grateful for Folk Uke ...aaaaw come

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesday...I thought it was Wednesday this Morning

So... I got an extra day!

Well, what is on my gratitude list today, I have been following a guided meditation by Sarah McLean. Very nice way to start the day.I did a meditation while grooming Cheyenne the other day..what a really sweet, soft experience that was for both of us.

My heart beats, my lungs breathe and I think and make choices for my life every day. Thank you. pony wants to follow me into the barn.