Friday, July 2, 2010


Yippee it's Friday on a 3 day weekend!
Last night Jenni, Maple and Nelson came over and we went for a ride! Thanks Jenni for pushing me to go because I was floundering due to leaving the water running in the garden in town! I returned after  riding and turned it off.No harm done :):)
We had a good spin around around the bottom ground. We will ride together Saturday morning and Monday evening. Cheyenne and I will go off on our own Sunday evening and will continue to do ground skills everyday!
Legal Eagle and I will do ground skills and pretty soon Minnie will go to the Horse Whisperer D. Nielson for some help with her life skills.yeah :):)
I will continue to work on MY life skills and being consistent in everything I do .
Have a great 4th of July !

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