Friday, February 3, 2012

The Weekend

Yay! It is Friday.
Today after work I am going to get my hair done and then Farmer Boy and I are going to a lecture at The Mondavi Center by Oliver Stone the film maker. I have never been to a lecture of this sort....I have been lectured and given lectures but I have never been taken to a lecture in a lecture hall.New stuff baby.

Tomorrow I am going to ride my horse, first and foremost. Cheyenne and I need some time together. It is hard in the Winter (simply because of the limited day light and work) to get in enough horsey time to satisfy my soul.
Then .....Farmer Boy and I are going to Herringer's Winery in Clarksburg to pick up some wine and enjoy some pairings of Port and chocolate, yum.
Sunday...Super Bowl Sunday...I am going to go to Jenni's and we will have a riding lesson in her arena with Tammi from TNT Horse Training. Yes, I will wear my spurs.

I also plan on taking some pictures, I haven't taken any pictures lately and I am missing that as well.

"Be Gentle In What You Do....and ...Firm In How You Do It."
-Buck Brannaman

With that I bid you adieu until next time  from down on the farm....

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