Wednesday, April 11, 2012

OK See....

I know, I know I haven't really written anything in a while, mostly videos and such....well....I started this blog to have a place to write about what I am grateful for in my life...when things seem  dark and full of despair...retreat to the blog and see what is good. Well....I haven't really felt all that grateful lately.So...I copped out and posted videos.

When actually I have alot to be grateful for....
I woke up this morning
I am on this side of the grass
I have human companionship
I am working towards being a better human..ok sometimes a bitter human (Haha) , but most of the time a better human
I have animal companionship
I have a house...
I have a job
I have a cool truck
I have a wonderful horse
I have a functioning brain

points to ponder...yes indeed.


Kirsti and Tim said...

You are a beautiful friend to others. Add it to the list.

cheyenne2 said...

You are sweet Kirsti and Tim