Friday, August 20, 2010


Well, yesterday I loved up Vicarious Bill ( he is low man in the herd and  needs  attention and hugs and scratches) and put the halter on Minnie in the big field...good girl Minnie...maybe she is figuring out I am not going to eat her ( I know how much this little sentence means).
Cheyenne and I went for a ride while the Thoroughbred's ate their alfalfa...none for Cheyenne...he is such an easy keeper....
We jogged  down to the bottom and walked through Deer Creek and towards the alfalfa fields..gosh I am so mean to my tubby pony! We watched the goings on for  awhile and walked back and forth in the irrigation water overflow. Instead of following the same path to go home we went down towards the corn and did a little listening and responding  practice there. Back home Cheyenne got the spa treatment  grooming/ massage and mane and tail brushing. Then, since all the alfalfa was eaten up, he got to eat  a healthy dinner of home grown oat hay.
The humans are still having a wonderful time eating the fresh peaches that Farmer Boy picked from our tree.

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