Friday, December 17, 2010

woo-hoo Friday

Well...the rain  started this morning about 4:30...soft rain so far.
Fed the horses, dog and kitties. Locked Zane and Emmylou up to stay dry in their house.Later I have a hair appointment and then I will stop by and say hey  to Paula and catch up with her...and...have her tell me all about her vacation to Las Vegas and Texas!
Cookie exchange on Sunday with the Wilton group.The cookies I am making are basically the Quaker oats recipe...but double it and melt the butter instead of beating/whipping it. Add hazelnuts, walnuts and bittersweet chocolate chips....yummm...stretchy pants are not allowed...get out and move :)
Man oh man I have to watch the carbs...sugar just kills me...oooooh so much truth in that utterance...
love and honor yourself

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