Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday talking about Sunday

OK, yesterday I got up...downed some good Starbucks coffee and then headed outside to feed Frisco, the Kitties and Cheyenne and Minnie. Then I checked on Shiloh (the new old boarder horse...29 years old...old pony) and gave him his breakfast.
Went back in the house after talking to one of my sister/friends for a short chat and watched the Sunday Morning show on CBS. Made some eggs and sourdough toast for Farmer Boy's breakfast and I had eggs and spinach and tomato juice.Then...I went outside and walked with Frisco, fed the girls(Pea and Eagles Wings) and then gave  Minnie some alfalfa and Cheyenne and I had a 45 minute grooming/massage therapy session. I focused on his health and welfare and he focused on being well mannered and enjoying the grooming session. After I finished grooming Cheyenne the Wonderful Horse, I groomed Shiloh and let him know we cared about him too. I think he appreciated it ...he dropped his head in my arms and let me softly pet his face.
Later that afternoon I met up with some gal pals in town. We attended a De-Stressing Yoga class....oh wow was that the best! I still feel good...aah breath... relax...renew
Went home, fed the animals and then grilled  lamb and steamed some broccoli for dinner. Yum, thanks to our friends in Wilton who raised the lamb and thanks to the lamb for so tastily nourishing our bodies.
Watched some TV....and hit the to speak. Woke up feeling good, ready to face the day. I hope you have a good day too.....

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