Tuesday, March 15, 2011

OK so...

I went to the gym yesterday after work....and got weighed and measured...I hate tape measurers and scales right now...soon hopefully I will love them, just love them soon I believe...but right now...hate, hate and more hate. Yes. just call me a hater of those objects right now...

I did work out and work very hard at it...some exercises feel good to do and some are still hard, but hopefully they will get easier as I get more fit.

Oh, we watched "Robin Hood" with Russell Crowe and Cate Blanchett last night. I liked it...a more adult version of the story, less fairytale-ish. The way they told the story it seemed more plausible and the characters more real. Plus Russell Crowe is a good rider and oh so dreamy in a rough/handsome kind of way. No...I don't go for throwing telephones and tantrums...hopefully he has outgrown those antics.

What am I loving right now.?   Oh..the fact that I am woke up and was able to just swing my legs up and over and get up and my heart beats, my brain works  (pretty smoothly ha-ha), my lungs and other organs function...I have critters...love my critters.
And I love that I found the tool for changing the color of the fonts......cool.

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