Monday, March 14, 2011

Where did the weekend go?

Saturday Jenni, Maple, Cheyenne and I went to the bottom for a walk...muddy, sloppy and done. It was fun to be with my human and horse friends but...too sloppy. I guess we really do have to wait for Nature to do it's thing. Sunday, CMor and I hit the gym...cardio madness! We worked on the eliptical machine, the treadmill, did ab work...tread mill again and then a cruel step/eliptical type machine that I think they used in the inquisition...we survived ...we are tough and strong!....and beat ..ha-aha.

Here are some shots from the farm...we are so enjoying the Spring type weather...the horses have their end of season coats and will look much better in a few weeks...I will take more shots then.

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