Monday, June 27, 2011

We make a good team....

Cheyenne the Wonder Horse and I went for a great ride yesterday...we went by Deer Creek and then down to the creek crossing. Farmer Skip came by with his tractor pulling a baler and I said to Cheyenne "follow those groceries"...and away we went. We crossed the creek, (the crossing was dry yesterday) and then took the 10 acre piece cutoff and up the side ramp road and then trotted to the 4 way intersection. We went down the new road/ to the 10 acre piece and then cris-crossed our way back up.  We went down to the landing, we walked back along the alfalfa fields and then went up the hill towards the road. At the section of the road where we sometimes go home...Cheyenne thought maybe we were going home...I reached forward with my reins and scooted with my hips urging him onward...and onward we went. We went to see another tractor and stack of hay. Then we looked at the irrigation water in the ditches and then jogged towards the river...when it was time to head home I asked him to walk and we walked home....such a good, honest horse.

This picture was taken in December 2007 when Cheyenne  first came to live with us

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