Tuesday, May 29, 2012

What was good that happened over last 3 days...

My rash went away

I rode Cheyenne with Jenni and her horses Sunday and Monday mornings

I spent time with my girlfriends

I changed my way of thinking

I think I got through to someone

I am not afraid of change

I embrace happiness in my life

I take responsibilty for myself and no one else

Did I mention  I rode my horse and my rash went away? Yes that was and continues to be good...


Kirsti and Tim said...

Whoa Nellie, what an awesome list.
You encourage me.
I was specifically thinking of taking responsibility only for yourself.
I've been thinking that you are in control only of yourself, too...
They kind of go hand in hand, don't they?

cheyenne2 said...

hand in hand Kirsti...sometimes it seems like I am not even in control of my self/life...then I have to do a reality check with myself and work it out to get back to some kind of life where I have joy, fun, work, love and yes...control ...taking care of myself and letting other people take care of themselves...