Monday, September 21, 2009

Monday 9-21-09

Well...what can I say about this weekend? was....fantastic! My friend Horsey Girl came over and we went out for a ride in the bottom land down on the farm. This was Cheyennes first ride longer than an hour...we rode for approx. 2 hrs. he did wonderful, he was brave and confident and happy to be out with his horse friend Maple!
Farmer Boy had a Disc Golf game at our place on Sunday and we grilled sausages after the game.
The weather has been cool in the morning and hot in the afternoon. I love the end of Summer.
Oh! And yesterday I took the young cats some tuna water and put it on their dry food. They ate until their tummies were full and then Zane sat by me and fell asleep. Emmy Lou climbed up on my lap and finally found her sleep comfort zone by having her legs pushed over lap and onto my elbow and she rested her head off my lap and in my hand of my outsretched left arm. So....we stayed thay way for about 5 minutes I guess. I just love my animals. yes, I am a happy bucket of mush when I am with my kitties.
Frisco and I had a great walk this morning...the air was cool, the sun was just coming up and we were renewed.
Back to work today...

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