Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Working in town today...not down on the farm. Woke up and wanted to go back to bed...it is dark in the morning now and blankets and pillows are so very inviting. Oh, well, rise and shine ...or at least grab some coffee, feed the animals and walk the dog and myself! Strong coffee to start the day and greet the sun with the dogggie.
This weekend was busy, freinds in town...lots to do...Farmer Boy was at the Fair each day watching the races.I made hamburger/lamburgers on the grill saturday.Boiled corn and ate outside...the cat Zane Grey is teaching Frisco that cats can come in the yard...very good teacher he is.
Tonite I will feed the animals and us humans and walk the doggie again..small pleasures that last a lifetime. What to make I do not know...we will see.

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